『霊』=Spirit, soul, ghost, apparition





  • “霊” means “spirit” or “soul,” referring to life, the soul, or supernatural beings.

Cultural Background

  • In Japanese and Chinese cultures, “霊” signifies the spirits of the deceased or ghosts and plays an important role in ancestor worship and rituals.
  • Spirits are revered as sacred beings and are often depicted in literature and art.

Meaning as a Tattoo

  • A “霊” tattoo symbolizes inner strength and spiritual existence.
  • It is chosen to honor deceased loved ones or to express personal spiritual growth.
  • The beautiful design of the kanji is also a popular reason for its choice.

Detailed explananion

The kanji “霊” (rei) is compelling as a tattoo design due to its profound meaning and beautiful design. This article explains the meaning of the kanji “霊,” its cultural background, and its significance as a tattoo. “霊” means “spirit” or “soul,” referring to life, the soul, and even supernatural beings. This kanji represents an unseen but definitely existing force or presence. It evokes a sense of reverence and symbolizes deep emotions and spiritual connections due to its mysterious nature. In East Asian cultures, particularly in Japan and China, “霊” is a significant concept. In these cultures, “霊” refers to the souls of the deceased or ghosts and plays an important role in ancestor worship and rituals. For example, festivals such as Japan’s Bon Odori exist to comfort and honor the spirits. “霊” is also recognized as a sacred entity and frequently appears in literature and art. From ancient times to the present, countless stories and legends about spirits have been passed down, expressing their mystery and the awe they inspire. The kanji “霊” as a tattoo symbolizes inner strength and spiritual presence. Those who choose this tattoo may be seen as expressing personal spiritual growth and a connection to unseen forces. Additionally, the “霊” tattoo serves to honor and commemorate deceased loved ones, to remember the bond with the departed, or to signify that their spirit is always with them. The kanji “霊” is also aesthetically appealing. Its elegant design and deep meaning make a strong impression. For foreigners, the exotic beauty of kanji leaves a lasting impact. Thus, the kanji “霊,” with its profound meaning and cultural background, creates a tattoo design that resonates deeply with many people. For those looking to express inner strength and spiritual connection, the “霊” tattoo is a beautiful and powerful symbol. This detailed explanation of the kanji “霊” as a tattoo will hopefully serve as a useful reference for those considering it.

usage example

霊魂[reikon] – spirit or soul

幽霊[yuurei] – ghost

霊感[reikan] – spiritual inspiration or sixth sense

霊的[reiteki] – spiritual

霊園[reien] – cemetery

霊媒[reibai] – medium (a person who communicates with spirits)

御霊[mitama] – spirit of a deceased person (often used in a respectful context)

悪霊[akuryou] – evil spirit

守護霊[shugorei] – guardian spirit


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