




  • “勇” means “courage” or “bravery,” representing the strength of heart to face difficulties.

Cultural Background

  • It is a valued virtue in Japan and China, emphasized in Bushido and Confucianism.

Meaning as a Tattoo

  • It symbolizes the determination to face challenges and inner strength, often chosen to represent one’s beliefs and courage.

Detailed explananion

The kanji ‘勇’ is a powerful symbol for many people, and there are various backgrounds and meanings behind choosing it as a tattoo. In this blog post, I will explain the meaning of the kanji ‘勇’, its cultural background, and its appeal as a tattoo. The kanji ‘勇’ means “courage” or “bravery.” It represents the strength of heart to face fear and difficulties without backing down. In everyday life, we encounter various trials and challenges, and having the courage to move forward each time is crucial. The kanji ‘勇’ symbolizes such inner strength and determination. In Japanese and Chinese cultures, ‘勇’ has long been revered as one of the virtues. In Bushido, it is one of the essential qualities that a samurai should possess. The spirit of Bushido requires samurai to protect their beliefs and their lord even at the cost of their lives, which requires extraordinary courage. In Confucianism, ‘勇’ is also one of the Five Constants, along with benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom. According to Confucian teachings, courage is indispensable for doing what is right, and its value is tested when facing difficulties. The reason for choosing the kanji ‘勇’ as a tattoo is often the desire to express one’s inner strength and determination. Many people get the ‘勇’ tattoo to remind themselves of their resolve to face challenges and their courage to stay true to their beliefs. This kanji serves as a reminder of the courage that lies within, providing the strength to move forward in any situation. Additionally, kanji tattoos are popular for their beautiful design. The simple yet powerful brush strokes of kanji make a strong visual impression. The single character ‘勇’ is an attractive choice both in appearance and meaning. Since tattoos are permanent, it is essential to carefully consider their design and meaning. The ‘勇’ tattoo carries a profound meaning and cultural background, offering a strong message. Choosing the kanji ‘勇’ to express one’s inner strength and determination to face challenges is an excellent choice.

Usage example

勇敢 [Yuukan] – Bravery signifies the courage to act boldly and resolutely.

勇士 [Yuushi] – A hero refers to a courageous and exceptional warrior.

勇気 [Yuuki] – Courage denotes the strength of heart to face difficulties and dangers.

勇猛果敢 [Yūmōkakan] – Valiant and Daring describes a bold and decisive attitude or action.


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